I love me a pug. Round and squishy, little tongue sticking out of his mouth. You know the drill. One of them comes into the clinic and I lose my mind. But everytime I see one (after I squee with delight, of course), I remember the difficulties they live with because their genetics give them a stubby nose and a...Read More
Jennifer admits that trying to do good in the world isn’t always easy. “It’s hard to care, it’s sad, it’s stressful, it’s disheartening.” Those of us in animal welfare – and those of you who support us – know this. It’s easier to look away, to go about your business, to let the problem be somebody else’s. That’s why burnout...Read More
This holiday season, you’ll likely be asked if you can help an organization (or several) with a donation. Thing is, nonprofits like PRCKC rely on people like you to keep the mission going. It’s the reality of our world. But – and this is a biggie – PRCKC is fairly unique in this space because a portion of our operating...Read More
It’s the circle of life. That’s what I tell myself when I think about to that little dog we hastily named Moo. But not in the way you might think. Not in the “Lion King,” living, dying and rebirth narrative that we ascribe to nature as a way to explain (and perhaps feel better) about what can seem absolutely random...Read More
We have spent some time getting to know Jena and Emery, the owners of Nature’s Select Kansas City, ever since they created Kibble 4 A Cause, a fundraising effort through their Nature’s Select pet food business. Their idea was to use Nature’s Select pet food to not just help pet owners feed their pets food that was good for them,...Read More
When I walk in it’s absolute chaos. It can’t be helped though. Vanessa’s house is not a big place so when Maggie and Bella – each one large enough to hog an entire loveseat alone – get moving, they cover ALL the territory very quickly. “Maggie looks like a Twinkie,” Vanessa chuckles. I’d have to agree. Bella is no slouch...Read More
Sure, sure; we know that pets do good things for us. They’re our companions, they bring joy to our lives, and share some of our darkest moments eagerly and without complaint. But there are actual tangible benefits to owning a pet. Baby Days Let’s start from an early age and move forward. It’s generally understood that experiences in the first...Read More
Sometimes, in this “business,” you just have to sit down by yourself and feel the hurt pressing down on your chest like a heavy boot. There are good days, though. More than you’d think, really. The kind that bring tears of a different kind and remind you why you do this in the first place. What happened to Moe is...Read More
In May of this year, in a small Oklahoma town, a seventeen year old young woman named Natalie was killed by a driver while sitting at a stop sign in broad daylight. This tragedy, senseless and cruel, devastated her family, especially her sister Cait. Cait and her husband Ben were preparing to move to Kansas City from Virginia so that...Read More
Pain is one of the fundamental aspects of how we interact with the world, and with our own bodies. As humans, we are generally capable of saying NO OUCH NO or something similar when we feel pain (or yelling, or crying, or tossing out a few choice curse words). When we feel internal pain, we say something about it: to...Read More