Honestly, it can be emotional here sometimes … Some of it is from sadness, naturally, but a lot of it is from the overwhelming good that we see from people and animals every day. And not just my co-workers who, I must say, surprise me regularly with their compassion superpowers. We see it in our clients, too, who often resort...Read More
Aquí en Pet Resource Center of Kansas City, los días pueden ser muy difíciles. El trabajo que hacemos — entre 50 y 70 cirugías cada dia, una clínica lleno de perros y gatos esperando pacientemente las vacunas y miembros de nuestro equipo en la comunidad proveyendo recursos para las mascotas — sería imposible sin la ayuda de nuestros voluntarios extraordinarios. ...Read More
Here at Pet Resource Center of Kansas City, our days can sometimes become pretty overwhelming. The work we do — managing 50 to 70 surgeries a day, having a room full of pets in our clinic patiently waiting to get vaccinated and team members out in the field providing resources to the community and their pets — would all be...Read More
We have different names for them. Mutts. Mixed-breed. Heinz 57. But no matter what you call them, they’re fantastic, and we’re celebrating them today. Why should you adopt a mutt? 1. Adopt a mutt, raise awareness. While it’s true that purebred dogs do end up in the shelter, the truth is that 3/4 of dogs in shelters are mixed-breed, languishing...Read More
Ben is trying but it’s not easy. He mentioned that he was squatting someplace with his dog, Luna, a year-old lab mix he found at a bus stop when she was just a few weeks old. If his wonderful friendship with Luna began at the bus stop, it’s where some of his problems are, too. The bus ride to his...Read More
My girlfriend and I get a text from Rachel that says she’s almost here. She has no transportation, so she takes the bus. When she arrives, she’s all smiles, gives us a quick rundown of how things are going, and then we let her be. Because we know what she’s here for. Rachel is currently homeless. She’s on the cusp...Read More
CC is the cat who lives with the lady who has lived alone for what must be 25 years now. That lady is actually my mom. And she is not a cat person. In fact, she’s reluctant to have CC in her life right now even though the two have lived together for more than a year. They share a...Read More
One of the most common things we get requests for is pet food, and it’s easy to see why. First, it’s food, a basic necessity. But second, it’s one of those resources that runs out, and quick, especially if you’ve got a big dog. But third is this simple fact: a lot of owners will feed their dogs before they...Read More
We believe in #ThePowerOfPets. And we try to tell stories that reveal how incredible the human-animal bond is. But from time to time, we ask people to tell us, in their own words, what their pets mean to them and what kind of impact those pets have had on their lives. This is Lisa’s story about a cat who never...Read More
Who hasn’t ever scratched at a mosquito bite and wondered, “I hate them; why do they exist?” Or fleas, ticks, intestinal worms … all parasites for that matter. But as cooler weather approaches, some of us are likely to forget the aggravation caused by this year’s bumper crop of pests. But … As pet lovers, it’s really important for us...Read More