

Manteniendo sus mascotas seguras el Cuatro de Julio

Vamos directamente al grano. Más mascotas se pierden en el Cuarto de Julio que cualquier otro tiempo del año, y queremos hacer todo que sea posible en nuestro poder para prevenir que esto no ocurre a su bebé peludo.  Perros y gatos por igual pueden tener miedo de ruidos fuertes e abruptos porque es su instinto natural. Puede ocurrir a...
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Keeping your pets safe on Fourth of July

Let’s get straight to the point. More pets go missing on July 4 than any other time of the year, and we want to do everything possible in our power to prevent that from happening to your fur baby.  Dogs and cats alike can be fearful of loud, abrupt noises because it’s their natural instinct. The same can go for...
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The Heat is On: Protecting Your Pooch During the Dog Days

“Boy it’s hot!” – Mathew Broderick, Biloxi Blues. … For some reason, I always remember that movie when it warms up in KC. Maybe because he spends several minutes complaining about the heat and, well, it’s pretty darn hot these days in the metro.  I’m not surprised. I grew up 45 miles southeast of KC and have spent all my...
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Después de cada tormenta, siempre sale el sol

“Nunca sabrás, mi amor, cuánto te quiero. Por favor no me dejes sin sol.” Estas palabras fueron las últimas que cantó Meka con mucho amor a su perra Loula después de se falleció inesperadamente. Pero además le hizo una última promesa – encontrar un hogar amoroso para todos sus nueve cachorros de cuatro semanas.  … El mundo de Meka se...
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After every storm, the sun always shines

“You’ll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away.” These were the final words Meka sang so tenderly to her dog Loula after she passed away unexpectedly. But she also made sure to promise her one last thing – to find all nine of her 4-week-old puppies a loving home. … Meka’s world came...
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Back in the Saddle

When COVID-19 hit and we had to shut down and stop doing services, we were heartbroken. We did close to 11,000 spay/neuter surgeries in 2019. To suddenly have to come to a complete halt meant that we couldn’t be a part of that shelter intervention safety net that we as a community so desperately need. Every day, folks reached out,...
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Mobile vaccines

You might have seen our vans cruising the city once or twice before, delivering pet resources to clients or rescuing strays. But recently when we’ve been hitting the streets, we’ve had a new agenda. And that is bringing our veterinarian team to our clients’ homes to vaccinate their pets. We want to assure that our clients, staff and volunteers all...
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Separation Anxiety in Dogs

This pandemic started off with lots of stories of dogs being thrilled over their humans being home all the time. And while it’s been a great boon to a lot of folks to have their furry friends nearby during this stressful time, there’s a flipside to all this attention. Separation anxiety in dogs is on the rise, and with it...
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Staying at Home with Squeaks (and what I learned)

Cats get a bad reputation: for being aloof, for not listening, even for being spiteful. Despite the fact that I know my cats like me and enjoy me as a person, I leaned into this sort of “common knowledge” idea that my cats were going to be less than thrilled to have me at home all the time. I did...
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Everything’s Different, Everything’s the Same.

Everything’s different.  We show up later, for one thing. The sun is already up when we get here, and has been for a little while, which makes the empty streets feel even stranger. Troost, normally bustling with traffic, is nearly silent, except for the occasional bus. It’s unsettling because this is our home; we get used to the sounds of...
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