

Imperfectamente Squab

Esta es una historia sobre un gato perfectamente imperfecto que se llama Squab. En agosto de 2019, nuestro equipo recibió una llamada de un miembro de la comunidad que encontró un gatito negro y blanco recién nacido en muy mal estado. Sólo tenía 7 a 10 días – sus ojos todavía cerrados – y no estaba amamantando de su mamá....
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Unapologetically Squab

This is the journey of a perfectly imperfect cat named Squab.  In August of 2019, our team got a call from a community member who found a newborn black and white kitten in very poor condition. He was only about 7 to 10 days old – his eyes still closed – and he wasn’t latching onto his mom to nurse....
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#ThePowerOfPets and Leading With Love

“If you know us, you understand how much we love pets, said Michelle Dormady, PRCKC founder and CEO. “But loving pets – and helping them – is also how we care for the people in our community.”  And that’s right. If you have a dog or a cat (or a donkey named Jack, for that matter), you understand the power...
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Agárrate fuerte y nunca te sueltes

Hace un poco más de dos años desde que Trenda perdió su hijo adolescente, De’Monte, en junio de 2018. Pero su espíritu la sigue por todas partes que vaya porque su perro, Chopz, no ha dejado su lado desde el día que falleció. “No importa en qué parte de la casa estoy,” Trenda dijo. “Él está allí.” Conocimos al amante...
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Holding on tight and never letting go

It’s been a little over two years since Trenda lost her teenage son, De’Monte, in June of 2018. But his spirit follows her everywhere she goes because his dog, Chopz, hasn’t left her side since the day he passed away. “Whatever room I’m in,” Trenda said. “He’s there.” We first met the avid animal lover De’Monte after he started volunteering...
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The Roots of Relinquishment

It’s never an easy thing to do. People who come to us to relinquish their pets are never just getting rid of a pet because they’re tired of it. They’re struggling, and they’re making an incredibly hard decision. As an example, look at our friends Marie and Precious (pictured above). We actually ran into them at KC Pet Project, where...
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Call center: The nervous system of PRCKC

Our call center is like the nervous system of our organization, but they never forget to put their heart into everything they do here at Pet Resource Center of Kansas City. In the past two months alone, they have answered 7,283 calls and scheduled 3,866 surgery and vaccination appointments. That’s not even including the countless amount of voicemails they’ve returned...
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Una relación que nunca puede ser demolida

Mark y Jaclyn tuvieron que abandonar su hogar y la vida que apenas empezaron a construir para la fecha límite corta del 1 de agosto. Sin embargo, había una cosa – pues, había 14 cosas – que no podían llevar con ellos, pero que no podían dejar atrás tampoco. Cuando fueron dados 60 días para mudarse debido a planes de...
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A bond that will never be demolished

Mark and Jaclyn had to uproot their home and the entire life they had just begun to build by the short deadline of August 1. However, there was one thing – make that 14 things – they couldn’t take with them, but they couldn’t leave behind either. After being given 60 days to move out of their home so it...
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The only good microchip? A registered microchip.

Microchips are the best way to ensure that you and your pet get reunited in the event that they’re lost or stolen, but there are a few things you need to know first. 1. It’s not a tracking device Pet microchips don’t have any form of GPS in them, so they don’t track your pet. So what’s in a pet...
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