When us humans break a bone the usual protocol is to wear a cast for a few or several weeks while your body does the majority of the work, healing itself while the cast keeps everything in place. You might think the same is for animals when they break a bone, but unfortunately, it’s not that easy. When a pet...Read More
We're headed out into the field with K-State Vet students as part of our partnership. They get experience in the field meeting pet owners where they are, and we get to expose the next generation of vets to our way of doing animal welfare.Read More
The 28th of September is World Rabies Day. You might wonder why there’s a full day for one disease that’s easily preventable. The truth is that not every community, not every country, has as robust a vaccination plan in place, so the threat of death from rabies is very, very real. Rabies is the oldest infectious disease we know of,...Read More
Christie McCoy has got some stories. Though it’s not likely you’ll get a chance to hear them. Not that she wouldn’t oblige if you asked; she’s polite that way. But that unassuming politeness is also why she isn’t given to saying much about herself. But if you did urge her to spill the beans … She might tell you about...Read More
Many years ago, when I had first moved into my house, my newly adopted dog, Sidney, a ridgeback shepherd mix, took it upon himself to water my newly staged Christmas tree. As his generous “output” sprinkled the branches and soaked the gifts below, I was shocked of course, but I also laughed at how quickly he decided to claim the...Read More
“If you know us, you understand how much we love pets, said Michelle Dormady, PRCKC founder and CEO. “But loving pets – and helping them – is also how we care for the people in our community.” And that’s right. If you have a dog or a cat (or a donkey named Jack, for that matter), you understand the power...Read More
In the midst of trouble, if you look hard enough, you can see it. It’s there in the people who keep going despite the risks. The grocery store clerks, the cleaning crews, the restaurant employees, and the selfless medical staff and emergency responders. Many accept the hazards that come with the coronavirus so they can continue being of service to...Read More
“If you can’t afford a pet, you shouldn’t have one.” We hear this quite a bit. Certainly it comes from a place of compassion for animals; I myself thought this long before I understood what happens here at PRCKC. Or what the reality would be if everyone who struggled from time to time couldn’t have a pet. Our shelters –...Read More
“Because of her, I’m never sad,” Charlie says from the front porch of his tiny home at the Veteran’s Community Project. He lives there with his best friend, a pibble mix he calls Blue. Blue loves people and proves what we say about the bully breed all the time: they’re wonderfully sweet and good for people. That’s the thing, right?...Read More
Just down the road from PRCKC HQ is a small community where lives are being put back together piece by piece. It’s called the Veteran’s Community Project. Most people know it locally from the small houses that are being built at 89th and Troost. It’s called the Village. And it does have a village feel about it. Walk through on...Read More