When someone tells you they’ve wanted to be a veterinarian ever since they were a little kid, you almost never have to ask why. Ninety-nine percent of the time the first person they ever found a friend in was their childhood pet, and that relationship is what made them want to turn their passion for animals into a career. But...Read More
How much are our animals like us? If you have spent any time at all on social media you know that there are plenty of people anthropomorphizing their pets. That’s a big word that I couldn’t pronounce or spell until I looked it up, BTW. It means attributing human characteristics or behavior to their pets. And, I’m here for it. ...Read More
“So, how many kids do you have?” they ask me. “Three,” I say. “Beesley is 4 years old. Maeby is 2. And Marley’s 11 months.” The stranger starts to gush, patiently waiting for me to pull up a photo while secretly questioning my interesting choice of names. But the instant I turn my phone around to show them my lock...Read More
Every morning starts the same. But not in the way that you’re thinking. It’s not a glum, meandering affair here in the morning. It’s active, lively. Vaccines are being drawn, paperwork is being prepared. Scattered laughter echoes in the high ceilings. And before the doors open, we all come together. In part to go over the numbers for the day,...Read More
Michelle Dormady, our CEO and founder, prefers to stay clear of the spotlight. But any discussion of history regarding this organization requires her reluctant participation. That’s why we got her to sit down and tell us the story of what it took to bring PRCKC into existence. The year was 2002. We weren’t the Pet Resource Center of Kansas City...Read More
“You just don’t understand what I’m offering you,” Linda’s heart ached as these words faded faster and further into the empty apartment each time she visited. “You’re going to be so spoiled. You’re just going to love it. I’m going to shower you with attention, and as soon as dad is better,” she said, holding onto hope. “We’ll bring you...Read More
It’s 7:45 in the morning and mostly quiet. Even though there have been people here for quite a while, this is the time when the day really gets going. … At the morning meeting, we talk about the day ahead. It’s also a time when different departments get together and acknowledge what we have accomplished … and what’s left to...Read More
There’s a lot more to spay and neuter than just preventing pets from having babies. Don’t get us wrong, the little suckers are ca-yoot. But what’s more important to us is that all pets have the same opportunity to live their best life possible with the people who love them. Here’s a list of five ways spay and neuter changes...Read More
For Maria, the answer was easy. She would pick her dog over heat in her house or a roof over her head any day. But that day came a little too close to becoming reality after her landlord said she either gets her 2-year-old pit bull mix fixed or chooses between losing the dog or the place they call home. ...Read More
Our mission is to do our best for each patient who comes to see us. That means we need a crack medical team who are capable of rolling their sleeves up and jumping into action every day. Two of our newest team members, Drs. Albrecht and Andelson, are on the job … Q. Tell us a little about you Dr....Read More