

It’s Good to be Lucky

You might not think Lucky is actually that lucky. Then again, this is really more about what’s being preserved versus what’s been lost. It’s about friends, and keeping family together, saving the relationship even though things have to change — maybe even dramatically — to do it. And if those are your measures, Lucky has the perfect name.    The...
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A Mandatory Spay Neuter Law Will Hurt Animals

In terms of pets, Kansas City has come a long way in the last 20 years. The numbers alone tell the story. At one point in time, we killed more than 20,000 animals each year just for space. These days, thanks to a strong push by our animal welfare community and the supportive citizens who live here, we can claim...
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The Truth About Black Cats

August 17th is National Black Cat Appreciation Day. Now, confidentially, that’s pretty much every day for us, but we like celebrating it because it’s extra important. Why is that? Well, in part it’s because cats tend to be adopted at a lower rate than dogs from shelters, so whatever we can do to bring awareness to beautiful kitties looking for...
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Ever since a country physician by the name of Edward Jenner administered the first documented inoculation in 1796, vaccinations have become an incredibly important, incredibly necessary part of our society. Not only did Jenner’s idea directly prevent millions of people from dying from smallpox, which had already claimed millions of human lives in the 18th century, but it changed the...
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A Day in the Life: Surgery

Once upon a time we looked at surgery check-in and what that process looks like for us and our clients. Now let’s take a look at what happens on the other side of those mysterious surgery doors… Check-in is in high gear by the time 8 o’clock rolls around. The surgery team spends much of that first half-hour finding their...
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Healing with A Little Help from Some Friends

Necole has a full house. Five kids, ages 3 months to 15 years. And then there are the four dogs, including two puppies. It gets crazy, she admits. But to her way of thinking, at a certain point the chaos couldn’t get much more… chaotic. “Life is already crazy enough with five kids,” she jokes, “why not add two puppies...
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The Heartbreak of Heartworm

A lot of people don’t know what a heartworm is, but the truth is that it’s exactly what it sounds like: a type of parasite that takes up residence in your pet’s heart, doing damage all the while. And though that kind of infestation seems like the type of thing that would be pretty evident, often you don’t see the...
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Summer Safety

  Summer arrives like a floodlamp aimed right at your eyes. You open the door one day and suddenly you feel like you’re swimming because it’s so humid, and how come you’re already sweating after five seconds? Wasn’t it just spring yesterday? While it’s a shock for us, it can be even more of a shock to our pets, who...
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Not Going it Alone

You know this. That life can be tough and random and lonely. But this is not about that. Not even a little. In fact, even with that small reminder that there’s a line somewhere out there we all know about and some of us cross (willingly or not), this is about the power of love. And the power of pets....
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Pet Appreciation Week

It’s no secret that we believe that the bond between people and their pets has the ability to change lives, or even save them. What makes Pet Appreciation Week so special for us is that it’s a chance to really showcase how that bond manifests, because honestly, we see it every day, and we love to share examples of the...
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