

Making Room, Taking Time: The Why and How of Urgent Care

Dr. Goldston and April with Puppie, a cat with hyperesthesia April talks with Puppie’s owner about treatment Nicolle comforts Foxy, who was injured on the neck by another dog Tuesday starts slow, which is good. Rachel can do her ordering to make sure urgent care is fully stocked. It’s not as easy to order for as some other departments because...
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Pets, Vets and Mental Health

Content warning: this blog includes sensitive information surrounding mental health and suicide.  We’ve all had those days. The ones where you get home from work, plop down on your couch and take a few minutes to decompress after a stressful, overwhelming day. But then, without being prompted, your dog jumps up next to you, nuzzles their head underneath your arm...
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True or False: Winter Pet Safety Edition

If you’re from the Midwest, then you know there are two different types of winters: one where it’s 50 degrees and sunny on Christmas Day, and one that is brutal, freezing and painful from November to February. Unfortunately we got unlucky this year. But, if you think about it, we as humans have it easy. You see, we have the...
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Animal Welfare Groups Pull Together to Help Unaltered Dog in KCK

After years of roaming the streets and siring an estimated 200 puppies, Rocky, the notorious “bachelor dog” of Kansas City, Kansas, has finally been neutered thanks to the tenacious efforts of several animal welfare and outreach groups in the area. Rocky, a 5 to 6-year-old brindle shepherd mix, is an owned pet who is allowed to roam freely. His owner...
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From the start: 20 years and counting

It was 2002 when Michelle saw a chance to make a change.  She had been at one of our local shelters (now closed) and had watched far too many animals – animals that were otherwise adoptable – be euthanized because there wasn’t space for them.  “I kept telling anyone who would listen that we couldn’t euthanize our way out of this...
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Burnout and Compassion Fatigue: Two Feelings We Know All Too Well

We don’t want to feel this way—it just happens. The feeling of waking up tired no matter how much sleep you get. Or being so physically and mentally exhausted after work that your brain just shuts down and you do nothing but sit in silence for the rest of the night.  We love this work and the pets and people...
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Our Village, Our People

The nonprofit life can be frustrating at times because of the limitations of any organization. You want to grow, you want to reach more people, you want to be able to have a more holistic approach to the problems you address. But you can’t always do that because of limitations on resources, funding, staffing, etc. #nonprofitlife That’s where partnerships come...
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It Matters Now More Than Ever

It’s easy in the day-to-day to put your head down and do your work and not look at the big picture. Days are busy, and full of pets who need help. You look for the bright spots that make all the effort worthwhile. The success stories, the families we keep together through supportive services, the person who managed to come...
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World Rabies Day

The 28th of September is World Rabies Day. You might wonder why there’s a full day for one disease that’s easily preventable. The truth is that not every community, not every country, has as robust a vaccination plan in place, so the threat of death from rabies is very, very real. Rabies is the oldest infectious disease we know of,...
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In the Right Place at the Right Time

It’s not unusual for folks to stop us and ask for help while we’re doing outreach in the community. But if we hadn’t been in the right place at the right time, Wally may not have gotten care for his dog, Chica. We met Wally while we were providing resources in a homeless camp in northeast Kansas City. He was...
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