

Hanging with Friends

Having friends is important; this is no secret. But almost just as important is remembering that you have friends, making time for them. They bring things to your life: a different perspective, diverse interests, different skills. And you bring those things to their lives too. The first rule of canvassing? Have a cart to carry all your stuff. PRCKC had...
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Making Baby Better

When I met Lori she was patiently sitting in our lobby. What surprised me is that she didn’t seem worried even though I had been told her dog had a problem and was bleeding on the floor. One look confirmed it … there was blood. Still, Lori sat nearly motionless while she gently pushed her hand across her dog’s head....
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Smart Collars

To think that all these years we’ve just had regular old dumb homes. Now, with the advent of “smart” devices and their integration into our daily lives, we have “smart” homes: digital hubs that access and play music, thermostats that you can program from your phone, and doorbells with cameras you can watch while you’re at work. This is a...
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Who We Are and Why We’re Here

“People should know that this organization is full of people who truly care.” – Bre Wasinger, volunteer services manager … A couple of weeks ago we were short staffed so I jumped in to give a hand and found myself treading water in the controlled chaos that is morning check in. Normally admin staff like me don’t help in that...
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Moving Day! Making Moves Stress-Free

Moving is stressful. Packing everything up isn’t fun at all, and for people whose home is their refuge, it can be anxiety-inducing to have your living space in disarray. Plus you have to ask yourself the hard questions, like “Why was I saving all these soy sauce packets?” and “Was there another person living here that I didn’t know about?”...
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In the Name of Love

Marie was trying to give her dog, Precious, away. “I need someone to take her,” she said without looking up. Surrenders – that’s what people in our business call it – happen for a lot of reasons and, typically, none of them are good. An owner has passed on and family can’t take care of the pet, a high energy...
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Protecting Pets and People: Five Steps to Help You Face Springtime Storms

I learned to be terrified of tornadoes in the spring of 1977. As I lay hidden underneath a wrestling mat with hundreds of my fellow students in a large gymnasium, a twister was leveling the other two schools in my hometown along with what seemed like most of the neighborhoods.  There was no terror for us; we couldn’t see or...
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Love Your Pet Day Q&A

Love Your Pet Day is one of those days that pops up, and sometimes it seems like, “Didn’t we just do one of these?” There’s no shortage of days celebrating pets, but what’s different about Love Your Pet Day is right there in the name: show your pets some love. It’s a directive. We’re all busy people with lives and...
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It’s Tough Out There Sometimes

Two hours. That’s all I spent outside and a good deal of the time I was in and out of the van, heater blasting full volume against the rush of cold. When we finished – not sure of the time – it was murky and dark. The wind was pushing down on us from the north with teeth made of...
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Our Mission: Ending Pet Homelessness

Imagine a world without shelters. We do. We imagine them out of business, closed tight, the grounds and buildings put to an entirely different use that has nothing to do with animals being housed until they find homes. And it’s not because we don’t like and partner with shelters or want the staff who dedicate their lives to animals to...
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