

Profundizando la agresión canina

La enfoque de PRCKC siempre va a ser apasionante y sin juicio – aplica cuando les ayudamos a la gente y las familias, pero también a sus mascotas. Entendemos que el humano perfecto no existe, ni el perro perfecto tampoco. Entonces, en respeto de los valores fundamentos de nuestra organización, es importante que hablemos de cómo clasificar a las razas...
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Digging deeper into dog aggression

Our approach at PRCKC is always compassionate and nonjudgemental – this goes for people and families, but also their pets. We understand: the perfect human doesn’t exist, and neither does the perfect dog. So, in respect to our organization’s foundational values, it’s important that we talk about how labeling specific breeds as “aggressive” is unjust and unkind. There are still...
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National Cat Health Month

Can we chat for a moment? Please, have a seat. It’s about your cat. Chances are, they’re not getting the care they need. (Cue dramatic music and zoom the camera in on your face, utterly surprised) But it’s true! Here’s some statistics to give you context: More homes in the US have dogs than cats (48,255,413 for dogs vs. 31,896,077...
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Voluntaria de tiempo parcial, amante de gatos de tiempo completo

Cuidando de más de 20 gatos no es algo que muchos de nosotros podemos imaginar, pero para Heather, es su realidad cotidiana. Esto no es una exageración tampoco, pero es una combinación de mascotas personales, temporales y gatos comunitarios. De Frenchie a Squeaks McGee a Things 1 y 2, ella le cuida a cada uno con el dinero de su...
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Part-time volunteer, full-time cat lover

Caring for over 20 cats is out of the question for most of us, but for Heather, it’s her everyday reality.  That is not an exaggeration either, but it is a combination of personal pets, fosters and community cats. From Frenchie to Squeaks McGee to Things 1 and 2, she cares for every single one of them with the money...
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A veces el mejor tratamiento es empatía

Mientras yo me estaba sentando en el suelo de la casa de Sra. Pamela, no me podía ayudar de sentirme cómoda como estuviera en mi propia casa – y además no podía creer las historias que me contaba sobre ella y su gato, Cuddles. Estuve allí porque Pamela necesitaba nuestra ayuda. Ella ha sido una de nuestros clientes hasta 2012,...
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Sometimes the best treatment is empathy

As I was sitting on the living room floor in Ms. Pamela’s house, I couldn’t help but feel right at home – and I also couldn’t believe the stories she was telling me about her and her cat, Cuddles. I was there because Pamela needed our help. She has been a client of ours since 2012, bringing her cats in...
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Clase para principiantes: Entendiendo Vacunas 101

Esta sentándose en nuestra clínica llenando los formularios cuando ve las palabras: Tos de Perrera, moquillo, adenovirus tipo 2, parvovirus, parainfluenza/paragripal, rinotraqueitis viral felina, calicivirus, panleucopenia, leucemia felina y rabia. Pausa, entrecierra sus ojos, y el bolígrafo para mientras intentando a entender todo lo que ya ha leído. Confíe en mí, cuando empecé aquí con Pet Resource Center of Kansas...
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Crash course: Understanding Vaccines 101

You are sitting in our clinic filling out paperwork when you see the words: Bordetella, distemper, adenovirus type 2, parvovirus, parainfluenza, feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, feline leukemia virus and rabies. You pause, squint your eyes, and the pen in your hand becomes motionless as you try and decipher what all of that gibberish means. Trust me, when I first...
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Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day

We spend most of our time and energy working on educating pet owners so that their pets have their best chance at living a long, healthy, happy life. But never let it be said that we don’t listen to the pets when they’ve got something to say. That’s why we’ve invited Mama, our clinic cat, to guest blog today, and...
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