

Pet Fire Safety

Every July 15th is Pet Fire Safety Day. It’s not a pleasant thing to think about, but preparing for the possibility of danger can make all the difference. Not only are an estimated 500,000 pets affected annually by home fires, but pets are actually the cause of over 1,000 fires every year in the United States alone. The first part...
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Kitten Season and TNR

Brace Yourself: Kitten Season is Coming Spring is upon us, and we find ourselves once again afraid of kitten season. Why? It’s intense. Cats can (and do) get pregnant year-round, and the breeding season for North American cats is technically from January through late fall, but we hit peak breeding season in the spring, from March to May. And once...
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Human Foods, Not Pet Foods

We know; your pets are your family. You want to share everything with them. But some things are off limits; certain human foods, for example. Today we’re going to take a look at some common foods that are off limits for your pets! Chocolate This is one that people often know and hear the most. Theobromine is a stimulant found...
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Transparency is important to us at Pet Resource Center of Kansas City. What do we mean when we say transparency? Simply put, it means being open and honest. For organizations, there are two types of transparency: transparency within the organization, and transparency with regard to the public. Within our organization, transparency is incredibly important. As a nonprofit, we’re often thinking...
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Spaying and Neutering

Happy National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month! As an organization with the phrase “Spay and Neuter” in our name, we’re already pretty aware of it, but maybe you’re not. Maybe you have questions about what the surgeries are, how they work, and what it means for your pet. So how about we make you aware :) The Basics A neuter is the...
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The Holiday Conundrum

Winter brings on more than just cold weather. It brings with it the financial pressures of the holiday season, higher gas bills to warm your home, property taxes, and waving to you from just offstage is the hope of (or stress of) the approaching tax season. Tis’ the season for all those things. The winter months are stressful. The holidays...
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Saved by Cats

I grew up with dogs. Sort of. I didn’t know what to do with a dog. My family didn’t know what to do, either. We never had dogs for very long. We were a high-strung, neat freak sort of family (except for dad), so we had a lot of rules: no dog hair on things, no dogs on furniture, dogs...
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Stay on Target…

Pet Resource Center of Kansas City is the only targeted spay/neuter program in the greater Kansas City area. What does that mean and why does it matter? Back when we were revamping our outreach program a couple of years ago we started looking at some data. And it turns out that about 80% of animal control calls come from 12...
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When I started working in animal welfare, one of the things I was the most surprised about was the amount of misunderstanding and misinformation about what pet microchips are, how they work, and how they aren’t a long con on the part of the One-World Conspiracy to track our movements by using our pets against us. Some of the confusion...
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What We Talk About When We Talk About Animal Rescue

When we talk about animal rescue, what do we mean? Usually we talk about rescue organizations, those extremely passionate and hardworking people who spend every day (often literally seven days a week) out doing everything they can to help animals find their forever home. Because they’re usually nonprofit organizations, they have a person handling advertising, even if they only advertise...
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