Dog at the vet - GI Issues in Pets

When to Worry About GI Issues in Pets

Gastrointestinal (GI) issues such as vomiting and diarrhea are common in pets, and while occasional digestive upset may resolve on its own, it’s important for pet owners to recognize when symptoms require emergency care. Understanding the potential causes and warning signs of serious conditions can help ensure the...
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PRCKC kennel cough vaccination

Kennel Cough: What to Know and How to Prevent It

Kennel cough, also known as canine infectious tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious respiratory disease that affects dogs. It is commonly spread in places where multiple dogs congregate, such as boarding facilities, dog parks, and animal shelters. The disease is caused by a combination of bacteria and viruses, with...
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Dog getting lepto vaccine

Leptospirosis in Pets: What Every Pet Owner Should Know

Leptospirosis is a bacterial infection caused by Leptospira bacteria, affecting pets like dogs, cats, and other animals. It’s a zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transmitted from animals to humans. The infection is typically spread through contact with water, soil, or food contaminated by the urine of infected animals, often...
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Cat with claws out

What Is Declawing?

Declawing is far more than a routine nail trim. It involves the surgical removal of a cat’s claws by amputating the last bone of each toe. To put it into perspective, it is the equivalent of removing the tips of a human’s fingers at the first knuckle. While...
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The Risks of Pregnancy in Pets and Why Spaying/Neutering Matters

For pet owners, understanding the risks of pregnancy in pets is vital for providing the best care possible. Female dogs and cats have high reproductive capacity—dogs can go into heat two to three times a year with each litter containing up to twelve puppies, and cats can become...
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Two dogs snarling at each other before a fight.

Dog Fights: How to Prevent Them, and How to Stop Them When They Happen

If your dog has ever been in a fight with another canine, you know just how scary it can be. Fights can start in an instant, with serious damage being done in just seconds. That’s why as an owner it is so important to know how to break...
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A golden retriever puppy waits to get her cast re-wrapped.

Broken Bones in Cats and Dogs

When us humans break a bone the usual protocol is to wear a cast for a few or several weeks while your body does the majority of the work, healing itself while the cast keeps everything in place. You might think the same is for animals when they...
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Dogs at home laying in bed

Is your dog covered by your insurance policy?

Roughly 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. In 2022 alone there were 17,597 dog-related injury claims in the U.S., totaling 1.13 billion dollars. These statistics go to show that while your dog may be lovable and docile to you, animal behavior is unpredictable in an...
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dr carey stands with his hands on his hips

Lifting Up Where We Can

I’m watching the blood roll down Dr. Carey’s arm, but he isn’t letting go. We’ve been working with this dog, Patsy Mae, for several minutes, trying to get her vaccinations done. One of her nails got doc on the arm as she struggled, so it’s just a minor...
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Pet Resource Center of Kansas City helps keep pets and people together.

Do the Right Thing

One morning not so long ago it hit me.  I was in the parking lot, a place I’d been hundreds of times, maybe thousands, taking pictures,  helping clients, arranging cones, directing traffic, whatever was needed to keep everything moving.It’s not my normal job at PRCKC but this is...
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a doctor looks into the eyes of a puppy she's holding in her lap

Making Room, Taking Time: The Why and How of Urgent Care

Dr. Goldston and April with Puppie, a cat with hyperesthesia April talks with Puppie’s owner about treatment Nicolle comforts Foxy, who was injured on the neck by another dog Tuesday starts slow, which is good. Rachel can do her ordering to make sure urgent care is fully stocked....
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