We're headed out into the field with K-State Vet students as part of our partnership. They get experience in the field meeting pet owners where they are, and we get to expose the next generation of vets to our way of doing animal welfare.Read More
Our partnership with Uplift takes us into the community to help the pets of folks struggling with homelessness. We talk about the program and the people who make it happen on this episode. Also: we chat with Dr. Washington about fixing a diaphragmatic hernia. Plus: yet another co-host? Yep, and we think she's a keeper!Read More
I’m watching the blood roll down Dr. Carey’s arm, but he isn’t letting go. We’ve been working with this dog, Patsy Mae, for several minutes, trying to get her vaccinations done. One of her nails got doc on the arm as she struggled, so it’s just a minor scratch that’s bleeding, but still. This is likely a far different retirement...Read More
For National Volunteer Week, we’re looking at the one outreach program that’s fully run by volunteers: our pet food pantry. Also, we chat with our chief vet about intestinal blockages.Read More
If you’re from the Midwest, then you know there are two different types of winters: one where it’s 50 degrees and sunny on Christmas Day, and one that is brutal, freezing and painful from November to February. Unfortunately we got unlucky this year. But, if you think about it, we as humans have it easy. You see, we have the...Read More
After years of roaming the streets and siring an estimated 200 puppies, Rocky, the notorious “bachelor dog” of Kansas City, Kansas, has finally been neutered thanks to the tenacious efforts of several animal welfare and outreach groups in the area. Rocky, a 5 to 6-year-old brindle shepherd mix, is an owned pet who is allowed to roam freely. His owner...Read More
The nonprofit life can be frustrating at times because of the limitations of any organization. You want to grow, you want to reach more people, you want to be able to have a more holistic approach to the problems you address. But you can’t always do that because of limitations on resources, funding, staffing, etc. #nonprofitlife That’s where partnerships come...Read More
No question, this is a tough “business.” Those of us working in it confront difficult situations regularly. And sometimes it seems, there’s not much of a breather before the next difficult case lands in our laps. Thing is, nobody enters into this without knowing how hard it can be. We know of and work with many incredible people doing incredible...Read More
Before I worked here, I didn’t think much about the things I’m about to tell you. I didn’t know about heartworms or flystrike or how much more difficult it is for pets to shed heat compared to us. Or … how many pets actually live outside. Now, it’s at the forefront of my mind because I’ve seen pets come through...Read More