Up until recently, I had never met Blu, but I had heard enough stories about her to know just how special she was (and still is) to my team. Earlier this week, Ramona, who has worked in our outreach department for six years, came frolicing back to the administrative side of the building squealing, “Blu is here! Blu is here!”...Read More
I studied language in school. I love it still (makes sense given my work here as a writer). I especially love how the words people use show quite a bit about them as people: how they think, their attitudes, their biases and misunderstandings. This holds true on a larger scale for societies as well. The terms that we use when...Read More
All of my coworkers giggled at me when I walked back into the surgery suite with a cup of coffee in my hand, and now I know why. “You’re going to want a lid for that,” Erin chuckled. I didn’t have one, so the only logical thing to do at that moment was chug it. But I quickly regretted it,...Read More
I want to tell you about Josh and his special friend. Her name is Lucy. Theirs is a story of intense friendship that both of them needed when they met and continued to need for the years that followed. Josh had lost “the best dog in the world” and was reeling in despair over it. At the same time, Lucy...Read More
When our staff sees an animal in need, we stop to help. It doesn’t matter if we’re on or off the clock, we know it’s the right thing to do. In this case, not only did it save a homeless pet’s life, but it landed her in a home where she gets more love than she ever could’ve imagined. With...Read More
You’ve just taken your first step into a larger world and decided to get a cat. You’ve never had a cat before. What do you do? How do you begin? What do you need to give this new friend their best chance at success? Whether you’re getting a kitten or adopting an adult cat from a shelter, the basic needs...Read More
Where would people be without their pets? A question that weighs heavy on my mind – and heart – every time I meet someone like Robert. And a question that, frankly, I don’t want to know the answer to, even though I’ve heard it many times before. Every person I meet through Pet Resource Center has a pet who is...Read More
After a year like 2021, it’d be pretty easy to take a breather. It was hard on us. Especially after the roller coaster ride of 2020. But there’s no way it wasn’t just as hard – or harder – on everyone else. What I learned in that time is that I’m lucky. Even though difficult and sometimes scary, I felt...Read More
Always find a way to help. Never turn anyone away for the inability to pay. These are the cornerstones of what we do here at Pet Resource Center. And it’s all possible because of the support we receive from the community in myriad ways. We’ve put together this list of five easy ways you can help us say “yes” to...Read More
September 30, 2010. That was the day PRCKC Founder and CEO Michelle Dormady realized something that was going to change our organization, formerly known as Spay and Neuter Kansas City, forever. “We’re going to help everyone,” she said. “People and pets.” … Our team, which consisted of less than a dozen staff members at the time (a quarter of the...Read More