Declawing is far more than a routine nail trim. It involves the surgical removal of a cat’s claws by amputating the last bone of each toe. To put it into perspective, it is the equivalent of removing the tips of a human’s fingers at the first knuckle. While declawing may seem like a quick fix to prevent scratching, it comes...Read More
For pet owners, understanding the risks of pregnancy in pets is vital for providing the best care possible. Female dogs and cats have high reproductive capacity—dogs can go into heat two to three times a year with each litter containing up to twelve puppies, and cats can become pregnant up to four times per year with litters of four to...Read More
If your dog has ever been in a fight with another canine, you know just how scary it can be. Fights can start in an instant, with serious damage being done in just seconds. That’s why as an owner it is so important to know how to break up a dog fight, and how to prevent them from happening in...Read More
When us humans break a bone the usual protocol is to wear a cast for a few or several weeks while your body does the majority of the work, healing itself while the cast keeps everything in place. You might think the same is for animals when they break a bone, but unfortunately, it’s not that easy. When a pet...Read More
Roughly 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. In 2022 alone there were 17,597 dog-related injury claims in the U.S., totaling 1.13 billion dollars. These statistics go to show that while your dog may be lovable and docile to you, animal behavior is unpredictable in an unfamiliar situation, and it could end up costing you. Picture this, you...Read More
I’m watching the blood roll down Dr. Carey’s arm, but he isn’t letting go. We’ve been working with this dog, Patsy Mae, for several minutes, trying to get her vaccinations done. One of her nails got doc on the arm as she struggled, so it’s just a minor scratch that’s bleeding, but still. This is likely a far different retirement...Read More
One morning not so long ago it hit me. I was in the parking lot, a place I’d been hundreds of times, maybe thousands, taking pictures, helping clients, arranging cones, directing traffic, whatever was needed to keep everything moving.It’s not my normal job at PRCKC but this is the kind of place where everyone jumps in when and where they’re...Read More
Dr. Goldston and April with Puppie, a cat with hyperesthesia April talks with Puppie’s owner about treatment Nicolle comforts Foxy, who was injured on the neck by another dog Tuesday starts slow, which is good. Rachel can do her ordering to make sure urgent care is fully stocked. It’s not as easy to order for as some other departments because...Read More
Content warning: this blog includes sensitive information surrounding mental health and suicide. We’ve all had those days. The ones where you get home from work, plop down on your couch and take a few minutes to decompress after a stressful, overwhelming day. But then, without being prompted, your dog jumps up next to you, nuzzles their head underneath your arm...Read More