

Dear PRCKC Volunteers

A message from PRCKC Volunteer Services Manager Bre Wasinger: “I want to say thank you to each person on our volunteer team. They could do anything, go anywhere during their free time, and they choose to spend part of it here, helping us. People who volunteer have such a great blend of selflessness and drive, and I’m really lucky to...
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Part-time volunteer, full-time cat lover

Caring for over 20 cats is out of the question for most of us, but for Heather, it’s her everyday reality.  That is not an exaggeration either, but it is a combination of personal pets, fosters and community cats. From Frenchie to Squeaks McGee to Things 1 and 2, she cares for every single one of them with the money...
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Gracias a Nuestra “Gran Liga” de Voluntarios

Aquí en Pet Resource Center of Kansas City, los días pueden ser muy difíciles. El trabajo que hacemos — entre 50 y 70 cirugías cada dia, una clínica lleno de perros y gatos esperando pacientemente las vacunas y miembros de nuestro equipo en la comunidad proveyendo recursos para las mascotas — sería imposible sin la ayuda de nuestros voluntarios extraordinarios. ...
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To Our ‘Major League’ of Volunteers: Thank You

Here at Pet Resource Center of Kansas City, our days can sometimes become pretty overwhelming. The work we do — managing 50 to 70 surgeries a day, having a room full of pets in our clinic patiently waiting to get vaccinated and team members out in the field providing resources to the community and their pets — would all be...
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Volunteering is all about giving back, right? It’s all about helping out and doing something good for someone else. That’s so true! Volunteering makes our communities stronger, smarter, healthier, kinder, and more beautiful. But there’s another side to this coin. Volunteering has benefits that extend both ways – out to the community and back to the individual volunteer. For instance,...
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