

Manteniendo sus mascotas seguras el Cuatro de Julio

Vamos directamente al grano. Más mascotas se pierden en el Cuarto de Julio que cualquier otro tiempo del año, y queremos hacer todo que sea posible en nuestro poder para prevenir que esto no ocurre a su bebé peludo.  Perros y gatos por igual pueden tener miedo de ruidos fuertes e abruptos porque es su instinto natural. Puede ocurrir a...
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Keeping your pets safe on Fourth of July

Let’s get straight to the point. More pets go missing on July 4 than any other time of the year, and we want to do everything possible in our power to prevent that from happening to your fur baby.  Dogs and cats alike can be fearful of loud, abrupt noises because it’s their natural instinct. The same can go for...
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Day in the Life: Wellness Care Clinic

Nine a.m. arrives relatively quietly on this Wednesday. Surgery check-in goes until 8:30, and there aren’t too many people running late, so we’re actually a little quiet in the waiting area. One man is already waiting, though. James has two pups, Finnley and Veda, and he’s an eager pup dad, not super familiar with puppies and a little nervous, but...
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When I started working in animal welfare, one of the things I was the most surprised about was the amount of misunderstanding and misinformation about what pet microchips are, how they work, and how they aren’t a long con on the part of the One-World Conspiracy to track our movements by using our pets against us. Some of the confusion...
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