

Our Mission: Ending Pet Homelessness

Imagine a world without shelters. We do. We imagine them out of business, closed tight, the grounds and buildings put to an entirely different use that has nothing to do with animals being housed until they find homes. And it’s not because we don’t like and partner with shelters or want the staff who dedicate their lives to animals to...
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Brachycephalic Breeds

I love me a pug. Round and squishy, little tongue sticking out of his mouth. You know the drill. One of them comes into the clinic and I lose my mind. But everytime I see one (after I squee with delight, of course), I remember the difficulties they live with because their genetics give them a stubby nose and a...
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Ever since a country physician by the name of Edward Jenner administered the first documented inoculation in 1796, vaccinations have become an incredibly important, incredibly necessary part of our society. Not only did Jenner’s idea directly prevent millions of people from dying from smallpox, which had already claimed millions of human lives in the 18th century, but it changed the...
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Spaying and Neutering

Happy National Spay/Neuter Awareness Month! As an organization with the phrase “Spay and Neuter” in our name, we’re already pretty aware of it, but maybe you’re not. Maybe you have questions about what the surgeries are, how they work, and what it means for your pet. So how about we make you aware :) The Basics A neuter is the...
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